Flying time from Atlanta GA to Chapel Hill NC The total flight duration from Atlanta GA to Chapel Hill NC is 52 minutes. Use our travel planning tools to get the distance driving directions mileage and road journey times for a trip. Atlanta Wedding Photography Juliette Chapel In Dahlonega Atlanta Wedding Venues Atlanta Wedding Photography Atlanta Wedding How far is it from Atlanta GA to Chapel Hill NC. Atlanta to chapel hill . Buy cheap bus tickets online from Atlanta GA to Chapel Hill NC and travel with Greyhound Megabus and others. It is always a delay of at least an hour. Drive for about 53 minutes. Come visit Chapelhill Church at any of our 4 locations in Douglasville Atlanta Bremen and Dunwoody. Chapel Hill to Atlanta drive. Tap on any row to expand for more details Chapel Hill. Answer 1 of 14. Get the reverse directions for a Chapel Hill to Atlanta drive or go to the main page to plan a new road trip. You can also compare the travel time if youre flying or d...